速報APP / 娛樂 / Real Weapons Guns Sounds

Real Weapons Guns Sounds





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:3006 Bonaparte

Real Weapons Guns Sounds(圖1)-速報App

The sound effects play a decisive conscientiousness in all the media that you can eavesdrop to on an everyday basis and see. Cinema, television and websites, sound effects in these media facilitate gather information for our brains, understand how we can find a gun and shoot. If no sound effect is weapon, then we believe that the coup is wrong or simply superfluous. After mobile phones were launched in the market, it did not take long before the phones come equipped with games and entertaining tools.㋡㋡

Real Weapons Guns Sounds(圖2)-速報App

The Real Guns Sounds application is not a weapon used to impairment humans as an alternative it bring into being sounds of various weapons. The application is only a sound embark that fabricates ,pistols, rifles,sniper rifles,M1911A1,M9,M500,AK-47,Famas,M4A1 etc gun sounds, real guns sounds, gun sounds and reload, pistol sounds, machine gun sounds, all guns sounds, gun sounds and reloading guns, gun fire sound effect, guns sounds free via tapping buttons at the facade of your Smartphone. The application isn't for eternity premeditated to prop up violent behavior because it mainly effectual gives the sounds of the weapons formulate your Smartphone more entertaining and exhilarating all the way through the Real Guns Sounds App.♣♣

Real Weapons Guns Sounds(圖3)-速報App

ஜExtremely trouble-free and uncomplicated to use

Real Weapons Guns Sounds(圖4)-速報App

ஜ Striking guns graphics

Real Weapons Guns Sounds(圖5)-速報App

ஜHigh eminence gun sounds

Real Weapons Guns Sounds(圖6)-速報App

Real Weapons Guns Sounds(圖7)-速報App

Real Weapons Guns Sounds(圖8)-速報App